1 February 2024

16 multifunctional road service zones will operate along the Central Ring Road

The Russian Highways State Company keeps comprehensively developing the Central Ring Road (CRR) in the Moscow region. Konstantin Makiev, Deputy Chairman of the Board for Operator Activities and Development of User Services of the Russian Highways State Company, briefed on this subject during his working trip down the Central Ring Road.
Thus, there are already 3 multifunctional zones (MFZ) on the Central Ring Road, featuring, apart from gas stations, supermarkets, cafes, children's and sports grounds, and convenient parking for both passenger cars and trucks. Another 6 MFZs are in the active phase of construction.
“Along with the largest federal fuel operators, we plan to launch some of them as early as this year. It is also scheduled to carry out tenders for the construction of 4 more MFZs. In the aggregate, we are going to place 16 MFZs all along the Central Ring Road,” remarked Konstantin Makiev.
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