1 February 2024

With the Malye Vyazem Bypass opening, the travel time from Zvenigorod to Vnukovo Airport to be shortened to 40 minutes

As part of the working meeting, Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov and Deputy Chairman of the Board for Operator Activities and Development of User Services of the Russian Highways State Company Konstantin Makiev visited the section under construction bypassing Malye Vyazemy on the Central Ring Road (CRR).

Its construction is over 30% finished. Now the main emphasis there is on earthworks. To date, over 65 thousand cubic meters of soil have been handled, and storm drainage is being installed. Intense works are carried out at all road structures of the bypass, such as bridges, overpasses and tunnels.

The total length of the Malye Vyazemy Bypass will be a little over 4 kilometers; the section will feature four lanes, two in either direction. Builders will construct three transport interchanges, namely, at the intersection with Petrovskoye Highway, Yamskaya Street and next to the Golitsyn Poultry Farm.

“The Russian Highways State Company operates at this federal construction site. Partnership is ever important, since there are plentiful technicalities associated with the transfer of communications, such as gas, electricity. I wish to thank our federal company. Cooperative efforts allow us to ensure the implementation of such a vital, long-awaited infrastructure project in the shortest time possible,” claimed Andrei Vorobyov.
Due to the redistribution of traffic flows, the local road network will be relieved, traffic safety improved, and communication between the cities of the Moscow region become even more accessible. 

“For instance, motorists will be able to get from Zvenigorod to the center of Odintsovo in 30 minutes, and to Vnukovo Airport in 40 minutes. Besides, the construction of interchanges will enable to relieve heavy traffic along the section of the Central Ring Road between the Mozhaisk and Minsk highways — on average, over 60 thousand drivers use this junction daily, and in the summertime, traffic reaches 100 thousand cars per day,” remarked Konstantin Makiev. 

The construction of the Malye Vyazemy Bypass is planned to be completed at the end of 2024.
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