8 February 2024

At 1353 km of M-4 Don in Adygea, the traffic pattern will be temporarily changed

From February 20 to June 15, 2024, traffic over the overpass situated at the 1353 km post of the M-4 Don highway (turn to Maykop) will be closed off.

The restrictions are imposed for the period of the structure's routine maintenance. Meanwhile, the drivers may use alternative routes.

Thus, to drive from Krasnodar towards Maykop, drivers will need to turn around at the 1354 km post of the M-4 Don. To travel from Maykop to Dzhubga, a U-turn is provided at the 1351 km.

Bridge builders will carry out operations to partially replace beams, repair embankment cones, staircases, and restore concrete surfaces of supports and spans. They will also replace the structural elements of the bridge deck — the upper and lower tiers, waterproofing, expansion joints. To improve the safety level, new barriers and railings will be installed, sidewalks will be paved, road signs will be replaced with new ones and thermoplastic markings will be applied.

The motorists are kindly requested to stay careful on the road, observe speed limits and follow road signs.
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