27 February 2024

Traffic along the Central Ring Road increased by 13% in 2023

More than 16.6 thousand cars per day were recorded on the Central Ring Road (TsKAD) in 2023. In total, motorists made over 80 million trips along the Central Ring Road in 2023, which is 13% more than a year earlier.

The most popular among users was the 4th launch complex of the Central Ring Road spanning from the M-7 "Volga" Highway to the M-4 "Don" Highway — about 42 million car passes, which is 18% more than in 2022. The peak traffic intensity down the Central Ring Road customarily falls on the summer months. Thus, from June to August, an average of 22 thousand cars traveled along the highway per day, which is 11% higher than in the previous year.

Neural network algorithms that enable to keep record of the passing cars are also utilized in an automated traffic control system (ATCS). They are based on real-time video stream analysis and allow to detect more than 15 different types of incidents on the road. In 2023, the most common reasons for drivers being forced to stop along the Central Ring Road were car breakdowns and gas shortages. In such cases, the emergency commissioner service comes to the aid of motorists. On the whole, 19 crews of emergency commissioners operate across the Central Ring Road. They can be called by dialing short number *2323. Response time is 15 minutes.