7 December 2020

Automated traffic control system frames are currently mounted on CRR 3-5

Construction workers plan to finalize the main building and installation works at the shortest launch complex of the Central Ring Road uniting M-10 "Russia" and M-11 "Neva" Highways (CRR 3-5). The cars are to start driving in this section by the end of the year.

This launch complex (I-A and I-B technical category highway) stretches for 5.5 kilometers on the primary route.

Currently, the percentage of total works completed exceeds 85. Gas and petroleum product pipelines are already reconstructed.

The contractors continue around-the-clock work on this CRR section: they finish the installation of barrier fencing, sound barriers, light poles, road signs and sewage treatment plant elements.

Taking into account that the CRR is a “smart” highway equipped with automatic traffic control system (ATCS), the ATCS frames are currently erected on the launch complex.

Workers finish waterproofing of the bridge and bridge passings over the Klyazma River, crossover near the Balkashino village, and over the Large Ring of Moscow Railway.