13 September 2021

The alignment of M-12 highway is completely put through

The future high-speed M-12 highway is already seen from space. Builders have completely put through the alignment of the highway. Almost all engineering surveys are completed. The site preparation works are actively underway at the entire length of 810 km. 10 thousand people and 3,846 pieces of equipment are engaged in the works.
37 trunk communications were rebuilt. Traffic for delivery was organized via 5 pontoon crossings.

Factories are being installed for the prompt provision of asphalt concrete and concrete for construction. 12 installations for production of asphalt concrete and 10 installations for production of concrete were mounted at the technological sites. 269 km of temporary roads for the supply of building materials have been constructed. 1,800 thousand m3 of sand and 600 thousand m3 of crushed stone were delivered to the sites of M-12 highway.

Construction camps are being built, and 27 of them have been erected in total.
For all stages, except for the eighth, the project documentation was submitted for an expert completeness check.

The project for the construction of the M-12 Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod - Kazan highway is being implemented by order of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin No. 204 dated May, 7 2018 "On the National Goals And Strategic Objectives of the Development of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2024". The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin has launched the project on July 10, 2020.