2 November 2021

More than 12 thousand people are engaged in preparation for construction of the M-12 highway

More than 4600 units of road construction equipment are currently concentrated on the future M-12 highway. This is more than 80 percent of the number of equipment units that, according to experts, will be used at the M-12 highway during the peak construction period.

As for the builders, more than 12 thousand people are now engaged in preparation on the M-12 highway. The expected number of labor resources will increase by more than 1.5 times during the peak period.

Inert materials are being actively accumulated at all stages of the future construction. In particular, there are already more than 3.5 million tons of crushed stone and 3 million tons of sand at technological sites.  They are planned to be used for construction of the road bed cushion. In total, it is planned to use 10 million tons of sand and 14 million tons of crushed stone for construction of the highway, including for production of asphalt concrete mixture.

The length of the M-12 highway is over 810 km. It will pass over the territory of five regions: Moscow, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod regions, Chuvashia and Tatarstan. Travel time from Moscow to Kazan will be reduced from 12 to 6.5 hours.  Macroeconomic effect of the construction of such a highway is estimated at 2.4 trillion rubles.  It will be formed by uniting regions, which production depends on road transportation, within 8-hour proximity zones.